Learn the business skills of case acceptance.

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Conversion Club Membership Includes Access to ALL Digital Products


Conversion Process Audit

The Conversion Process Audit examines every facet of your NP consultation process. We assess every aspect of your effort to convert new patients and tell you where your strengths are, where improvement opportunities exist, and how to make corrections.

This is an abbreviated version of methods we have perfected from decades of training practices around the globe. It is a budget-friendly, high-value exercise that gives you the power to improve starts.

Learn even more about the process here.


Digital Courses

Front Desk Course

This program, the first of its kind, moves beyond basic reception skills and teaches your front desk team how to improve your conversion rate.

Topics include:

  • How to consistently turn inquiries into appointments
  • How to ask for, and get, insurance information on the call
  • How to invite all decision-makers to the consultation
  • How to handle price requests on the phone
  • How to identify “shopper” callers
  • How to handle irate patients
  • How to manage questions you cannot answer
  • How to prioritize tasks
  • How to manage paper effectively

Session One: The New Patient Inquiry Call: Maximizing Your Success in Scheduling New Appointments

Session Two: Handling Problem Callers: How to Get Successful Outcomes with Difficult People

Session Three: Time Management Skills for the Front Desk

Treatment Coordinators Course

Based on Landy Chase’s four best-selling books, this course covers everything your TC needs to know to optimize new patient starts.

Topics include:

  • How to present fees to maximize starts
  • How to handle “shoppers”
  • How to handle “I need to talk to my spouse”
  • How to handle price concerns and negotiate to “Yes”
  • How to negotiate without lowering your fee
  • How to include the non-attending spouse in consultations
  • How to handle “pending” cases effectively
  • How to consistently get a decision in one week
  • How to handle divorce cases properly

Session One: How to Structure the Fee Presentation

Session Two: Negotiating 101: How to Get to “Yes” Without Lowering Fees

Session Three: How to Win “Shopper” Cases

Session Four: How to Get Prompt Decisions with Pending Cases

Session Five: How to Optimize the Virtual Consultation

Session Six: Dealing with Difficult People in New Patient Consults

Doctors Course

This groundbreaking course teaches doctors everything they need to know to optimize results in NP consultations. Topics include:

  • Why most doctors convert only half of their visitors into patients
  • The five key steps of an effective presentation
  • How to speak the language of the family
  • What your visitor wants to know – and how to present it
  • Why case acceptance is not the responsibility of your TC
  • What doctors do to lose cases during the NP consultation
  • How to get in and out on time in NP consults
  • How to structure your role in virtual consults
  • How to structure adult patient consults

Session One: The Doctor’s Role in Case Acceptance

Session Two: How to Optimize the Virtual NP Consultation

Session Three: Advanced Consultation Skills: How to Maximize Results in Starting New Cases

Session Four: How to Find, Hire and Develop Front Office Staff

Session Five: Time Management Skills: How to Manage Your Work to Stay on Schedule

Doctors Orders Quarterly

Four times per year, we host (and record for your convenience) an online podcast featuring thought leaders within the profession on a range of executive-level practice management topics. These sessions are included with the annual Conversion Club Membership, are available with an a la carte annual subscription, and as pay-per-view events. The podcast archive is available to annual Conversion Club members and annual a la carte subscribers.

Doctors Orders Quarterly Main Page


Case Acceptance Book Library

Our most popular package, these six books, cover every role in the new patient conversion process.  Over sixty bonus strategies for improving your case acceptance rate are also included!


Front Office Team Package

Our four skills books for your conversion team members cover all aspects of each role in the new patient conversion process. They are excellent reading for all team members and are a great resource for cross-training staff.


Doctor and TC Consult Package

Focusing on the respective roles of the Doctor and Treatment Coordinator in the NP Consultation, these books provide a complete blueprint for managing the consult from initial contact to the formal start of treatment.


TC Skills Package

These two books are all about excellence as a Treatment Coordinator. Virtually every scenario imaginable is covered in these two volumes. Among the many topics are how to present payment options, how to get to “yes” without lowering fees, and how to handle “shopper” patients.


Book of Pearls Volume I and Volume II

These two books are compilations of Landy’s popular Case Acceptance Tip of the Week, which is read by thousands of doctors and TCs around the world. Over sixty quick tips and strategies for maximizing new patient starts.


Doctor’s Orders

Landy’s latest work focuses on the role of the doctor, not that of the TC, as the primary driver of new patient starts. This highly detailed work covers every aspect of the doctor’s role in case acceptance.


Immaculate Reception

Your front desk staff are the ambassadors of your practice. With an emphasis on successfully handling the new patient phone call, this book also covers all of the fundamentals for the front desk professional.


Yes to Treatment

Landy’s groundbreaking first book for orthodontic practices continues to be the standard for effectiveness in the TC role. A great first read for your Treatment Coordinators, covering all of the fundamentals of case acceptance.


No to Lost Cases

Focusing on how to avoid losing good cases, this companion book to Yes to Treatment covers more advanced challenges for today’s Treatment Coordinator. Recommended as a follow-up to Yes to Treatment for your TC.


Book of Pearls Volume I

The first of two best-of compilations of Landy Chase’s popular Case Acceptance Tip of the Week column. Thirty proven strategies for improving your conversion rate.


Book of Pearls Volume II

More of the best of Landy’s Case Acceptance Tip of the Week, compiled in an easy-to-read format for immediate implementation at your practice.


Conversion Club Membership

Annual Conversion Club Membership Includes Access to ALL Digital Products

Choose the plan that works the best for your practice.

Silver Package

$ 897 one payment
  • ONLINE COURSE: Unlimited Front Desk
  • ONLINE COURSE: Unlimited Treatment Coordinator
  • ONLINE COURSE: Unlimited Doctor
  • FULL ACCESS: Digital Case Acceptance Tip Library
  • FULL ACCESS: To Pay-Per-View Events for Three Months
  • LIMITED TIME OFFER: Two books of the subscriber’s choice with paid quarterly package

Gold Package

$ 249 monthly
    $1700 Value- FREE with prepaid annual subscription
    Podcasts with Landy and Guests
    Monthly Training with Landy Chase
  • COMPLETE SET of Case Acceptance Library all six books (shipped when paid in full)
  • ONLINE COURSE: Unlimited Front Desk
  • ONLINE COURSE: Unlimited Treatment Coordinator
  • ONLINE COURSE: Unlimited Doctor
  • FULL ACCESS: Digital Case Acceptance Tip Library
  • FULL ACCESS: Pay-Per-View Events for Twelve Months
most popular!

(Save $2,300)

Platinum Package

$ 455 monthly
    $1700 Value - FREE with prepaid annual subscription
  • 30 MINUTE MONTHLY ACCOUNTABILITY CALL with Landy and your Conversion Team (12 sessions)
  • COMPLETE SET of Case Acceptance Library all six books (shipped when paid in full)
    Podcasts with Landy and Guests
    Monthly Training with Landy Chase
  • ONLINE COURSE: Unlimited Front Desk
  • ONLINE COURSE: Unlimited Treatment Coordinator
  • ONLINE COURSE: Unlimited Doctor
  • FULL ACCESS: Digital Case Acceptance Tip Library
  • FULL ACCESS: To Pay-Per-View Events for Twelve Months

(Save $2,928)

Memberships renew automatically.  Satisfaction is guaranteed, and you may cancel at any time.