Learn the business skills of case acceptance.

TC Caffeine Monthly

These monthly skill sessions for Treatment Coordinators cover a wide range of topics and are pre-recorded and uploaded every month. You’ll be notified every time a new program is available. A great way to keep your skills cutting-edge! 

You must have a Conversion Club Membership to access this content. Click on the topic’s date to open. You will be prompted to log in if you aren’t already.


Available for Viewing

Upcoming Sessions

August 2024 How to Use Texting to Start New Cases
September 2024 Lowering Fees to Win Cases – Yes or No?
October 2024 How, and When, to Present What is Included in Your Fee
November 2024 How to Stay on Schedule with NP Consultations
December 2024 Dealing with Divorced Parent Cases
January 2025 The Fundamentals of Starting Adult Cases

February 2025 The TC Role in the Virtual Consult
March 2025 How to Reach Out to the Non-Attending Spouse
April 2025 What to Do When Visitors “Ghost” You After the Consult
May 2025 When to Use Third Party Financing – and When Not To
June 2025 Extended Payment Terms: How Much is Too Much?

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