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Addressing Choices in NP Consults

In cases where your potential patient is presented with more than one treatment option,  if you simply present multiple options to the patient and ask them to pick one, you are doing both the patient and your practice a disservice. Let’s look at why.

In Yes to Treatment, I make the point that your value proposition – what you sell – is not appliances; it is expertise. The point here is that the patient wants your expertise; they want you to tell them what you think they should do, and telling them your opinion adds value to the consultation.  Let’s not forget that the patient (or patient’s parent) is the least-qualified person to select the best treatment option. When you simply present options and ask the patient to decide, you raise the risk of losing the case, because making a choice can be intimidating and the easiest, and safest, decision for the patient is no decision at all.

My recommendation is that when you present treatment options, offer your opinion on which of those available is best for the patient, and tell them why. “If it were me, I would choose ______, because ________.” After all, if you were in their position, you would be making a selection, too. Offering your opinion here is not being “pushy”; it is being helpful. The main point here is to tell them why you would choose the option you recommend.

A variation of this approach is to use questions to help the patient make the decision. For example, if a patient is having difficulty choosing between braces and Invisalign, the TC might ask, “which is more important to you: getting the best possible result, or having an appliance that is less noticeable?” If the patient says,  “I would prefer a less noticeable treatment method”, the TC’s response here is, “in that case, I would recommend Invisalign, because you will get a good result and have that additional benefit.”

Don’t be afraid to assume a leadership role with your patients when choices are to be made; offering your opinion helps them to make a well-informed business decision.

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