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The Sound of Silence

One of the keys to a good initial consultation process is to a smooth transition from one step in the meeting to the next. That said, one step that becomes a common disruption in orthodontic practices is the calculation of fees and payment options. Specifically, this occurs when the doctor leaves the consultation and turns the meeting back over to the treatment coordinator; if payment terms have not yet been calculated, then this step must take place while the patient, facing the TC, waits for it to be completed. I see this frequently on videotaped cases; there is usually a period of silence punctuated only by the sound of a calculator being punched. While not a deal-breaker issue, having this quiet build-up to the fee presentation – and the interruption it causes – is not helpful to the process.

When discussing a recent example of this with one of my practice clients, the TCs pointed out that the doctor utilized the computer in the room for reviewing x-rays up until the time they left the room, preventing an opportunity for the TCs to complete these calculations ahead of time. My suggestion to this practice goes for any practice calculating and presenting fee arrangements in this way: restructure your doctor-patient consult step so that adequate time is freed up for the TC to perform this step ahead of the doctor’s departure.

In my opinion, the best time for the TC to complete this step is just after the doctor has made the treatment recommendation; while the doctor and patient are still engaged, this should allow adequate time for the calculations to be completed and the fee presentation sheet to be printed. The doctor should remain involved with the patient for the duration of time that it takes to complete this step, which is usually only a minute or two. Then, when they leave, the numbers are printed and ready to be presented.

By following this approach, the TC can, after taking the reins from the doctor again, smoothly transition from a review of the appliances to the fees and payment options without interruption – thereby removing the disruption to the flow of the meeting.

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