The Sound of Silence
One of the keys to a good initial consultation process is to a smooth transition from one step in the meeting to the next. That said, one step that becomes…
One of the keys to a good initial consultation process is to a smooth transition from one step in the meeting to the next. That said, one step that becomes…
Doctors sometimes overwhelm patients with too many details and choices; while the intent is to help the decision process, sometimes the opposite outcome occurs. The most effective consultations are those…
If you are a follower of my weekly column, you know that I am currently “on the warpath” with regard to the need for improvement in doctor communication skills during…
In my work with Treatment Coordinators, I stress the importance of having an effective structure – and sticking to it – when managing the patient-visitor consultation. It’s important to remember…
In most practices, converting the financing terms selected during the consultation to a contractual agreement involves a hand-off between the Treatment Coordinator and the Finance Manager.
Case acceptance improvement is not the TC’s job, it is a process, and my current course in case acceptance training covers all of the skill areas spanning the respective roles of the front desk, the…