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Doctor Interpersonal Skills for Initial Consultations

One of my client doctors sent this quote to me via email this past week. From a corporate sales executive, it is good advice for all of us:

“Business is personal. Stand out by making a real emotional connection that touches your prospects and makes them feel understood and cared about. Focus on making a real connection, not just making a sale.” 

This is not difficult for the doctor to do in the new-patient consultation; but little things – usually unrecognized habits – can cause you to miss the mark. The best approach is a sound, consistent structure that focuses on making that quality connection with your visitors. Here, from start to finish, is the sequence that I recommend:

  • Before entering the consult room, no matter how busy you are, take a deep breath at the door, slow down, and relax. Then enter the room.
  • Smile. Greet the parent(s) and child separately, and sit down with them, preferably facing them from one side. Thank them for coming in. Maintain eye contact. Be relaxed, and establish rapport.
  • Focus on the parent first, and include these open-ended questions (do not take notes while talking; have the TC do this if you deem it necessary):
  • “How did you hear about our practice?” (If not already known)
  • “What concerns you about (child’s) teeth?”
  • “Any concerns about braces in general?” (Most common response: “the cost”; your response: “we have ways to make this affordable, which *TC* will cover”)
  • Ask the child to get in the chair  to be evaluated; once there, briefly interview them:
  • Hobbies/favorite subjects at school
  • “What bothers you about your teeth?”
  • “Do you have any concerns about getting braces?”
  • Explain what you are about to do (this is for both the child’s and the parent’s benefit)
  • Conduct the exam.
  • Post-exam:
  • Return to a seated position at the consult table with parent(s) and child, facing them from one side
  • Explain, in layman’s terms: the problem, your treatment plan, and why you recommend your approach to treatment (visual tools are highly effective here, the best is a monitor/screen showing the x-ray of the child’s teeth)
  • Explain the expected benefits and any consequences for not treating the problem
  • Ask “what questions do you have?” not “ do you have any questions?”
  • Thank them again for coming in; add “*TC* will review the appliances and explain your investment options; I look forward to having you as a patient”.
  • Conclude your portion of the meeting

Following this outline will not add time to your consultations, and will result in a quality connection with your visitors.

In closing, while the parent is the economic buyer, don’t forget that a child who either doesn’t feel comfortable with you or your practice can scuttle the parent’s decision to start treatment with you, every bit as much as the parent can. In fact, in some cases, the child is the final decision-maker

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